Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Speaking Different Languages

Today's topic is about what do men and women speak in a same words but in different meaning..

* the biggest challenge for women is correctly to interpret and support a man when he isn't talking.

* when a man is silent it is easy for a woman to imagine the worst.

When a man is upset or stressed he will automatically stop talking and go to his "cave" to work things out.

Why men go into their cave ?
1. He needs to think about a problem and find a practical solution to the problem.
2. He doesn't have an answer to a question or a problem. Men never taught to say "gee, I didn't have an answer. I need to go into my cave and find one". Other men assume he is doing just that when he becomes quiet.
3. He has become upset and stressed, at this time he need to be alone to cool off and find his control again.
4. He needs to find himself. This reason becomes very important when men are in love. At times they begin to lose and forget themselves. They can feel that too much intimacy robs them of their power. They need to regulate how close they get.

Why women talk ?
1. To convey or gather information.
2. To explore and discover what it is she wants to say.
3. To feel better and more centered when she is upset.
4. To create intimacy. Through sharing her inner feelings she is able to know her loving self.

Getting burn by a dragon.
* never go into a man's cave or you will be burned by the dragon!

This is what the different between men and women .. Do u guys get more closer to ur partner ?
According this, I think u will understand and know each other more. =)

I do believe now is the time when he is in his cave. And one day he will come out from the cave again. Just give each other time and space. Patient is the word for a relationship to get together and last long .. <3 ^^

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